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Tur Kunjungan Mitra Gereja HKBP dari Kab.Silindung, RS HKBP Balige, Akper HKBP Balige untuk Konsultasi, Rhine dan Sesi Kerja dengan Mitra Jerman di Kantor Pusat UEM dan Seminari Teologis EKiR di Born-Venusberg, Kab.Koln-Sud, Jerman. 15 – 29 Mei 2023.

Partnership Information on May, 30th 2021

  1. History

       Partnership of HKBP Hospital/Nursing Academy with Köln-Süd District, Germany was started with the visit  of  2 Internship doctors in 1979 from Germany. They studied medical science from tropical  country in RSU HKBP Balige for  3 months. One of them is Michael Gaevert.

       During their internship in hospital  they  learned  many things and they loved the hospital.

Once they had opportunity to visit Rupat island  as a part of HKBP zending/ mission ‘s area.

When they  went  back to Germany, Michael told his impression and  the  hospitality of staffs of hospital to  his family, at that time his father  Rev.Heinz Gaevert was a pastor in Sindotf Paris and Superintendet in Köln-Süd District.

       Since then we had good communication with  them, then in 1986  Rev. Heinz Gaevert came to visit this hospital and saw the ministry of hospital and experienced the life of Batak Culture. The relationship of this partnership is  growing  together as   brothers and sisters, learn  from each other, pray for each other and change Information.  Now this partnership is already 35 years. Our God has blesses this partnership until now. This  partnership is cordinated by the leader of headquarter through Partnership Secretary.

  • The Purpose of Partnership
  • To develop joint mission
  • To grow together (Eph 4)
  • To enable the members to bring the gospel in its entirelyto the whole creation

(Luke 4 : 18-20)

  • To uphold ach other in any condition. If one suffers all suffer, uphold each toher through prayers and God’s word.
  • Parts of Partnership  Program
  • Exchange of information, sharing of experience
  • Mutual prayers with intercession  in Sunday partnership payer for the first week of


  • Joint mission activities
  • Consultation
  • Consultation is held once is every five years
  • Consultation is held in Indonesia and Germany consequtively
  • The consultation expense is to be discussed by both sides.
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1.     Sejarah

Kemitraan RS HKBP/Akper   HKBP dengan Distrik Köln-Süd Jerman, diawali  dengan datangnya  dua orang dokter Internship   dari Jerman tahun 1979,  satu orang Cina dan satu orang Jerman.  Orang Jerman  bernama  Michael Gaevert. Mereka datang ke RS HKBP Balige untuk memperoleh ilmu kedokteran dari negara tropis Indonesia, sebagai persiapan meningkatkan ilmu kedokteran selama tiga bulan.

Selama menjalankan Internship  di RS HKBP Balige, mereka memberikan perhatian dan mencintai RS HKBP Balige, dan mereka kami bawa untuk melayani beberapa hari ke pulau Rupat sebagai daerah zending HKBP. Setelah kembali ke Jerman  Michael Gaevert   memberitahukan  pengalamannya di RS HKBP Balige   kepada Bapaknya Rev. Heinz Gaevert, pada saat itu menjabat sebagai Praeses/Superintendent Sindorf Parish, Distrik Köln-Süd.  Sekarang Dr.Gaevert telah dokter spesialis bedah tinggal di Berlin.

Dengan kesan yang baik selama mereka di   RS HKBP  Balige, dan setelah mereka pulang  maka terjalinlah  komunikasi yang baik yang  ditindak lanjuti kunjungan  Rev. Gaevert ke Balige tahun 1986  maka sejak itulah  hubungan kemitraan.   Sampai sekarang sudah lebih 35 tahun.

Hubungan kemitraan ini semakin diperdalam dengan kunjungan kedua belah pihak antara Distrik Koln Sud dengan RS HKBP/Akper HKBP. 

Kemitraan ini dikoordinasi oleh Pimpinan Pusat HKBP melalui Sekretaris Kemitraan antara Distrik  dan Lembaga HKBP bermitra dengan Distrik-Distrik di Jerman. 

Sesuai kesepakatan keduabelah pihak  akan melaksanakan  minggu kemitraan (Partnership Sunday),  pada minggu pertama Trinity ( Hasitolusadaon). Itulah yang kita laksanakan pada kebaktian saat ini disini dan mereka akan melaksanakan juga kebaktian  di Jerman, hari ini juga, dengan waktu yang berbeda 6 jam kemudian.  

Tahun lalu kita tidak melaksanakan minggu mitra  oleh karena situasi dan konsidi Covid 19, yang tidak memungkinkan boleh berkumpul namun mitra di Jerman tetap melaksanakannya dengan peserta yang sangat terbatas cukup dihadiri 20 orang saja termasuk anggota PERKI atau Persatuan Kristen Indonesia. 

2.Kegiatan Kemitraan:

1. Menjalin hubungan yang  akrab sebagai paralealeon yang dilandasi oleh kasih  berpedoman pada dasar kemitraan. Pertukaran informasi dan saling mendoakan secara khusus pada tahun 2020 dan sampai sekarang menghadapi Copid 19 di Indonesia maupun  di Jerman.

2.     Mengikuti rapat koordinasi yang dipimpin oleh Pimpinan Pusat HKBP dan Sekretaris Mitra  

3.Program Implematation tahun 2020.

Bantuan yang diterima telah disalurkan kepada :

1.  RS HKBP  : Menerima bantuan   Covid 19, untuk Membeli masker, APD, dll.

2.  Untuk Akper :

a. beasiswa, 3 mahasiswa terbaik 1-3 masing-masing menerima uang kuliah satu semester, dan 10 mahasiswa sesuai kriteria penilaian ( special fund )  bantuan uang kuliah masing-masing jumlah yang sudah ditentukan.

b. Bantuan untuk Siakad (Sistim Administrasi Akademik).

4.Partnership consultation:

Direncanakan Partnership Consultation bulan Agustus 2020 tahun lalu sebagai  tuan rumah adalah Mitra Jerman,  tetapi oleh karena Covid 19 ditunda dan perkembangan terakhir  rencana menjadi tgl 15-19 September 2022. Peserta  delegasi akan diutus  dua orang yakni satu utusan dari rumah sakit dan satu utusan dari  Akper. 

Marilah kita mengucapkan Terima kasih hubungan kemitraan paralealeon kita dengan Distrik Koln Sud, doa dan support  mereka kepada kita.

 Selamat Minggu Mitra. God Beless us. Horas.

Demikian secara singkat informasi kemitraan ini disampaikan, Salam dari Mitra melalui Bapak Reinhard Radloff sebagai Committee Parthnersnip.

Ibadah Minggu Kemitraan yang dilaksanakan secara bersama-sama diantara RS/Akper HKBP dengan Didtrik Koeln – Soed Jerman setiap tahun. 30 Mei 2021. Klik disini untuk video.

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Badan Pengurus Mitra RS/Akper HKBP melakukan rapat virtual bersama Distrik Koln-Sud Jerman untuk berbagi informasi dan diskusi tentang Challenges and Opportunities for Internalization and Equal Partnership. Sabtu, 26 Juni 2021.

Kunjungan Kemitraan dari Jerman pada Perayaan RS HKBP Balige ke 100 Tahun pada tanggal 01 Agustus 2018.

Agreement on a Special Fund for Students
at Akper HKBP Balige, North Sumatra,
in Cooperation with Protestant Church District Kciln-Stid, Germany

Several parishes of Church District Koln-Srid have started collecting diaconia funds for the partner church HKBP at Balige and at district Silindung. Based on 25 years of partnership cooperation we want to support our church partners on Sumatra in academical training of highly qualified young people who are responsible members of Batak society and of an active church.

The Partnership committee Koln-Sud (PSA) proposed to use these funds for supporting hard working students at age 18 to 25 years, who would otherwise not be able to complete their academic training at Akper Balige. ln cooperation with the Partnership committee (BPM) of Hospital and Akper Balige we wish to support students who have already commenced their academic studies and proved to be highly committed along with good results. (ln the past years Church District Koln-Sud has already financed these trainings sporadically, but without having a list of criteria agreed on). For the sake of equal status PSA Koln-Sud encourages BPM Balige also to contribute financially to the Special Fund. An own share of 10 to 20 percent is required.

The paper on hand was developed by PSA Koln-Srld and BPM Balige for having a clear agreement on the professional choice of scholars, on handling and reporting about the Fund.

HKBP Akper Balige will install a small team/board which is responsible to announce the installation of a Special Fund for Students, to collect suggestions for hardworking and qualified students, and to critically choose appropriate boys and girls who meet the necessary criteria. The list of students chosen will be published at announcement board of Akper Balige. The contribution of the Special Fund (between 20 and 50 Euros per student and month, depending on the total amount of fund available) will be transferred every 3 months to the students.

Each scholarship is terminated to the month of qualification reached. Maximum length of scholarship is up to 4 (four) years according to the curriculum of Akper Balige.

The Board of Special Fund will report every 6 (six) months to BPM Akper Balige and to PSA Koln-Stid on the scholarship students (name, birth date, place where the parents live, last qualification, qualification aimed at, number of semesters required in total, actual semester, name and place of academy/high school) and the amount received per student.

Following persons form the responsible Board Committee of Special Fund at Akper

Head of Board : Dcs. Rosmauli Hutahaean
Member of Board : Jenti Sitorus
Cashier : Dcs. Rosdiana Sitompul
Supervisor of Board : Dcs. Lamria Simanjuntak

ln case of change of Board members, BPM Balige will immediately inform pSA

Criteria for selecting scholarship recipients :

  1. Make own application to the Board of Special Fund
  2. Student age 18 – 25 years and still active as a student
  3. Has a least B score for Senior High School
    Has GPA 2.75for Academi Perawat
  4. Member of financially weak family
  5. Has a good conducUcharacter and is recommended by the lecturers of Akper
  6. Ready to make a report every 6 months

This agreement will start with 5 (five) years duration. Three years after the effective start (date of approval by Koln-Stid district) both Partnership Boards will run an evaluation on effectiveness of this agreement and decide mutually whether this agreement will be prolonged over the first five years duration.

This agreement was discussed and declared on the occasion of 150 years jubilee of HKBP church.

Balige, 6 October 2011
Partnership Board (BPM) Balige
Drs. Saidi Tambunan

Approved by,
Dcs. Lamria Sim,anjuntak
(Director of Akper HKBP)

Bruhl, 14Mai 2012
Kreissynodalvorstand des Ev
Kirchenkreises Koln-Sud
Superintendent Dr. Bernhard Seiger

Skriba Rev. Almuth Kocil-Torjuul

Partnership Board (PSA) Koln-Sud
Reinhard K. Radloff

Continuation of Partnership

Reinhard Radloff <>
To: Rosmauli Hutahaean, Saidi Tambunan,Deonal Sinaga
Cc :

Oct 3, 2018 at 3:06 PM

Dear brothers and sistc:rs at Llalige and dtstrict Srlindung”

l,ast J’hursday 27. Sept. rve had otrr PSA meeting and,vesterday a meeting with superintendent dr. Seiger and another member of’our board of district KoIn-Sud.
In general speaking, we have found a solution to continue active partnership work, but on a reduced level and by deviding the responsibilities.
Within the next days I will write more details.

Attached please find our report on visit to Balige and Silindung, however in German language.
and the visiting program, as conducted.

Have a blessed day, dear brothers and sisters!

Reinhard Radloff

Evang. Kirchenkreis KoIn-Sud
Ausschuss fur Weltmission u. Partnerschaft
Arn SchieBendahl 47
D-50374 Ertlstadt

Tel. 02235-41859

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Ibadah Minggu Kemitraan yang dilaksanakan secara bersama-sama diantara RS/Akper HKBP dengan Didtrik Koeln – Soed di Gereja Philippus Raderthal Jerman setiap tahun, 15 Juni 2014.

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Mitra RS/Akper HKBP dengan Distrik Koln-Sud Jerman di Cappelle RS, 31 May 2015 dan pada saat yang sama saudara-saudara kita di Jerman merayakan Minggu Kemitraan di Koln-Bayenthal.

Perki probt2 (Ina)
Perki-Gruppe singt, groß
Perki-Gruppe+Rf singt
Perki beim Essen
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27 Mei 2018 at azttachend some pics from 3 years ago. Very joyful PS Sunday at Kerpen parish, with lady rev. Almuth. Warm greetings

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17 Juni 2019 di Gereja Gymnich Nordrhein-Westfalen

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Kegiatan Minggu mitra di Bruel, Cologne, Jerman tgl 6 Juni 2020. Yang hadir sangat terbatas karena peraturan corona.

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Ibadah Minggu Kemitraan yang dilaksanakan secara bersama-sama diantara RS/Akper HKBP dengan Didtrik Koeln – Soed di Jerman setiap tahun, 12 Juni 2022.